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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement Privacy Policy

Our Commitment 

This privacy policy sets out the policies and practices of the Mayfair Enterprises Limited (“the Company”) in respect of the collection, use, sharing and protection of personal data in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”).

Types of Personal Data Collected and Held

The following categories of personal data are collected and held by the Company: –

Customer and end-user records, which include customers’ and end-users’ personal details and records, contact particulars, payment information, and addresses etc.

Usage records, which include IP addresses, browser specification records, page visit particulars and records, device specification records, diagnostic records etc.

Contractor and supplier records, which include personal details, contact particulars, qualifications and experiences, and works records etc. of contractors, consultants, suppliers, service providers and their respective employees.

Purposes of Collection and Use

Customer and end-user records are collected and used for business and operation in relation to the Company’s services, such as processing application, use, and execution of the Company’s services, conducting surveys, direct marketing, complaint and enquiry handling, and business administration.

Usage records are collected and used for business and operation in relation to the Company’s services, such as processing the use and execution of the Company’s services, data monitoring, data aggregation, data analysis, data anonymisation, service optimisation, diagnosis, and feedback. 

Contractor and supplier records are collected and used for engagement, communication, administration, assessment, monitoring and other purposes relating to the Company’s contractors and suppliers.

The Company may convert the abovementioned records into data that cannot be used to identify any individual by applying anonymization techniques and safeguards to prevent re-indentification (“Anonymised Data”), anonymised data may be compiled, analysed and packaged, disclosed, and transferred to third parties for business purposes in compliance with the Ordinance.

Disclosure and Transfer

Personal data are collected and held by the Company confidentially.  The Company may disclose or transfer such data: –

When authorised or required by law, regulations, and rules, including without limitation to law enforcement purposes.

To related companies, subsidiaries and associated companies, business partners, agents, contractors, associates, and service providers, and third parties in accordance with the Ordinance.

To any other persons or organisations who assist in the Company’s operations, such persons or organisations shall be under a duty of confidentiality to the Company to keep such data confidential.  

Retention of Personal Data 

The Company keeps personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this policy or as required or permitted by the Ordinance and applicable laws. The Company has adequate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, accidental loss or destruction.

Access and Correction of Personal Data

The Ordinance provides individuals with the rights to ascertain whether the Company holds personal data about them, to obtain a copy of that data and to amend any incorrect data when necessary.  Individuals may request access to personal data by submitting a written request by email to

Use of Cookies

Cookies (text files placed in computers’ internet browsers) may be used to store and track information pertaining to the browsing or use of the Company’s websites and APPs.  The Company may also use related tracking technologies to collect website and APP usage information, which include without limitation to information of pertaining to users’ computers, mobile devices, browser details, IP addresses, and their preferences and habits on language, page layout and other matters. Such information collected do not contain personally identifiable information. The Company collects, analyses and uses such information to maintain, manage and enhance user experience. The Company may also share such information with third party research agencies for research and analysis to enhance services and user experience. No personally identifiable information about users will be shared with these third-party research agencies.

Direct Marketing

Customers who do not wish the Company to use their personal data in direct marketing may exercise their opt-out right.  Customers may opt-out by submitting a written request by email to

Changes to this privacy agreement

The Company may update this policy from time to time.  Customers are advised to review this policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact the Company by email to

Butler Personal Information Collection Statement

This Statement sets out the policies and practices of the Mayfair Enterprises Limited under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) in respect of personally identifiable information (“Information”) collected from customers.

Personal Data

To facilitate provision of the Company’s services, customers may be required to provide Information such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers.  Although provision of Information is voluntary, services will be unavailable if Information is not provided.


The purposes for which Information may be used include: –

1. Business operations and supply of the Company’s services

2. Opening and maintaining accounts for customers

3. Providing after-sales services

4. Conducting customer, product, facility and service surveys

5. Direct marketing

6. Handling customer complaints and enquiries

7. Compilation, aggregation, diagnosis, and anonymisation

8. Making disclosure according to the requirements of any law, regulations, codes of conduct or guidelines applicable to any member of the Company 

9. Any other directly related matters.

Transfer and Disclosure of Personal Data

Information held by the Company will be kept confidential but the Company may transfer of disclose the Information to the following recipients or classes of recipients:-

1. Agents, contractor and third party service provider who assist the Company in provision of the Company’s services

2. Media and news agencies in response to requests pertaining to customer related issues such as complaints handling

3. Government, authorities, regulators, law enforcement agencies, and persons to which the Company is legally obliged to disclose Information pursuant to applicable law, regulations, rules, codes of conduct, or guidelines

4. Professional advisors, such as lawyers, consultants, and auditors, for legal or compliance purposes

Direct Marketing

In connection with direct marketing, the Company intends to use customer’s Information in direct marketing of products, facilities, and services to customers.  Such products, facilities, and services may be offered or arranged by the Company, associated companies of the Company, business partners of the Company in conjunction with which the Company conducts marketing activities in respect of:- 

Home or lifestyle products & services including but not limited to housekeeping, pest control, handyman, electrical repair, plumbing, renovation, in-home furnitures, electronics, and more. 

Customers who want to exclude their Information for direct marketing purposes may exercise their opt-out right by sending a request via email to

Access to and Correction of Information

The Ordinance provides individuals with the rights to ascertain whether the Company holds personal data about them, to obtain a copy of that data and to amend any incorrect data when necessary. 

Individuals may request access to personal data by submitting a written request by email to 

Retention of Information

The Company keeps Information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this policy or as required or permitted by the Ordinance and applicable laws. The Company has adequate technical and organisational measures to protect Information from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, accidental loss or destruction.


Enquiries regarding the Company’s personal data privacy policy and related practices may be submitted by email to

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